
Glow Plus Gold Cream For Skin Whitening & Drink For Body Brightening (Combo)

Original price was: ₹3600.Current price is: ₹2950.

This drink fights sunspots, brown spots, acne marks and age spots. It works by preventing overproduction of the pigment – Melanin. Vitamin C disrupts Melanin production to improve your skin color. The strong healing power of this drink reduces discolouration, giving a spotless and energetic skin.


Cream Benefits:

  • It helps in keeping the skin smooth, saturated and gives sustenance.
  • The night cream makes the skin tone lighter and more splendid over the long haul.
  • It furnishes you with clean, and sound skin which is more brilliant, with even skin tone and surface.
  • It helps in the easing up of dark circles and in the expulsion of the indications of maturing and Hyperpigmentation.
  • To keep harm to the skin from openness to the sun and destructive UV beams, it goes about as a sunscreen cream.
  • The cream contains green tea extricates, a significant cell reinforcement that assists with making your skin look solid, smooth, and limits pores.

Drink Benefit

  • BRIGHTENED SKIN TONE: With Glutathione as the foremost component of the organic Drink formulation, you are expected to witness a brightened effect. This is because of the antioxidant properties of organic Glutathione that does not let free radicals dull down the skin tone.
  • HELPS IN CELL GENERATION: Constant exposure to pollutants and damaging agents, our visible skin tends to lose its natural texture. L-Glutathione present in Glow plus gold Drink promotes cell regeneration, leading to replacement of dead skin cells with fresh skin cells.
  • PROMOTES COLLAGEN PRODUCTION: Collagen is a natural skin protein that is responsible for firm and youthful skin. With advancement in age, this protein is likely to deplete. This drink ensures that collagen is adequately supplied to the skin, leaving fewer traces of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • L-Glutathione – An exclusive skin whitening agent that decreases the formation of melanin in the skin. Made without any nasty chemicals, this drink is 100% safe and gentle, Cruelty Free & Vegan Friendly
  • SUITABLE FOR ALL SKIN TYPES: The consistency and formulation of Glow plus gold Drink for face and Body is such that it is neither too matte nor too Harsh. This makes it a perfect composition for all skin types, including that with scars and blemishes.


It leaves your skin clearer, brighter and younger. Your GO-TO product for Radiant and Youthful skin! It has potent antioxidants that naturally helps to strengthen your skin and repel unwanted damages. VA and UVB rays. It has potent antioxidants that naturally helps to strengthen your skin and repel unwanted damages. You can also add a few drops of this serum with sunscreen. Exfoliates and Brightens Skin: This drink helps your skin look younger for longer by stimulating collagen production and by evening out your skin tone and brightening your complexion simultaneously. Strong concentration of these vitamins leaves the skin looking, feeling replenished and revitalized. Anti-Ageing: Age causes us to lose collagen, leading to wrinkles and saggy skin. Vitamin C boosts the skin’s collagen production to give you a firmer, more plump skin, smooths out fine lines and wrinkles. Nourishes & Moisturizes Skin: If you have tried using moisturizers and creams in the past and your skin is still unnourished and flaky. This drink fights sunspots, brown spots, acne marks and age spots. It works by preventing overproduction of the pigment – Melanin. Vitamin C disrupts Melanin production to improve your skin color. The strong healing power of this drink reduces discolouration, giving a spotless and energetic skin.

Important information

Safety Information:

Keep out of reachof Children


All Natural Ingredients


Drink a table spoon before 1 hour of Breakfast and 1 hour before dinner. For Best Results Apply Glow plus gold cream until you achieve desired results.

1. How long till I notice results?
Glow Plus Gold Skin Fairness Cream is 100% proven and effective for whitening. Get unmatched results in just 7 days and this cream is dermatologically tested.
2. Is this safe for sensitive skin?
Yes! Our Glow Plus Gold Fairness Cream is designed for all skin types, as well as sensitive skin – it shouldn’t give you any breakouts / irritate the skin.
3. Is this safe for people with skin problems or allergies?
No! This product can’t be used for people having skin problems. The result may vary from person to person. Consult your physician before using the product.
4. How many uses?
It must be applied in a thin layer at night, on the face. For better results use it regularly at night throughout the face and neck.
5. What are the benefits of Calendula and Emblica extracts in Glow Plus Gold Fairness Cream?
Packed with antioxidants Calendula and Emblica extract in Glow Plus Gold Fairness Cream. The antioxidants are beneficial compounds that neutralize the harmful effects of oxidative stress in your body. These are very effective in fighting against free radicals, which are the cause of wrinkles and age spots during aging. It emerges a healthy skin.
6. Is it safe to be taken by young teens?
Yes, It is safe to be taken by young teens from age 16 years and above to all ages. Henceforth, the right usage should be taken into consideration.
7. Is there any specific gender who can use Glow Plus Gold Fairness Cream?
No! It will work for both men and women the age of 16 years and above.
8. How long should I continue using this cream?
Keep using cream till achieving the required Goals. After attaining the required result use it frequently once or twice a week. So that it could protect Your Skin from the fatigue which may be caused by sunlight, pollution & Dust.
9. Are there any side effects of this product?
Glow Plus Gold Fairness Cream has no side effects on your skin because it is a natural skincare supplement.
10. Which season is suitable for the use of this cream?
Glow Plus Gold Fairness Cream can be used for all seasonal, climatic, and environmental conditions.
11. Is Glow Plus Gold Fairness Cream, a chemical-based whitening skin product?
No! Our formulation Glow Plus Gold Fairness Cream is organic, natural, and chemical-free. We use Natural extraction technology to gently extract ingredients, with no chemicals and parabens.
12. Will my skin get a brighter complexion with regular use of Glow Plus Gold Fairness Cream?
Glow Plus Gold Fairness Cream whitening cream is Vitamin B3 & E. These vitamins are also found to be effective in fighting against all kinds of free radicals. These free radicals are the result of high levels of toxins in the body. Once the toxins are removed from the skin, eventually you will start noticing changes in the skin tone and a fresh & healthier complexion can be noticed in a short time.


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